I received a new set of crochet hooks for my birthday from my beloved and a gift card from my mom and dad. My daughter and I wrapped them in Sculpy and now I have crochet hooks that don't make my hands cramp up. I love these. Aren't they cute?? :-)
I taught myself how to do a granny square and have pumped out a bunch of these turquoise squares that will eventually be a beautiful afghan for the back of my couch or wing back chair that will eventually come out of storage sometime this year.
100% wool giant granny square blanket that will be beautiful when it's done. I can't seem to get my square straight so there is a slight tilt to my pattern, but it's a fun blanket to make and goes fairly quickly.
Cotton Soap Saver Scrubbies...I found this idea on Pinterest and LOVE it. We have used those petro-chemical plastic poufs for years and I have always wanted to use something better. This is it. Stuff it with soap and scrub away! You can fill it with all those little leftover bars as well.
I learned how to do another type of granny square and pumped out this crocheted dishcloth this morning. I wouldn't call it a square...but it'll wash dishes! I love the soft cotton yarn and it's only $1.77 at Walmart (another gift card...I love my birthday)
Lip balm...this stuff is so good. Sweet and soft. I made many jars full, these are just two...peppermint and sweet citrus.
A couple of well used jars of warm-peppermint foot scrub (on the left) and lemon-sugar face scrub. Amazing stuff.
This has to be my favorite because it helps me and the kiddos organize our days better than anything ever has. It's an old picture frame and under the glass I stuck all three kids' daily schedules for Monday-Friday. Below that I placed parchment paper and made calendar grids with yarn. You can write on the glass and that is exactly what I do. I write the kids daily chores that change in the appropriate spots. There is also a little place for menu ideas.
Below the chart I have hung envelopes that contain specific instructions for daily chores. I have a child with Asperger's Syndrome, so this is essential for a smooth(er) sailing day. I do this so there is no confusion and there are no excuses. So far so good. I am the queen of chore charts...
My scarf! I started this last winter and just finished it. It was supposed to be a shawl...and perhaps someday it will be, but my attention span is NOT that long. I also found other things to do with the 100% lambs wool...
Like these super cute fingerless gloves. I learned how to make flowers, too. I also repurposed an old pearl necklace I found at a thrift shop.
I made Sophie a pair of fingerless gloves, as well. I love the turquoise and black. It looks sharp. She loves them :-)
I also made 10 gallons of laundry detergent and discovered how to make "Reeses" peanut butter cups...I suppose I should post that recipe. It's super-yummy.
Tomorrow we start school back up after a long winter break. I am excited to get back on schedule and normalize a little bit.
Miss all my friends and family back home...hope you are visiting :-) See you all soon!
Tomorrow we start school back up after a long winter break. I am excited to get back on schedule and normalize a little bit.
Miss all my friends and family back home...hope you are visiting :-) See you all soon!
You did a lovely job, way to go =) My dd would absolutely love those fingerless gloves! May Abba continue to bless the works of your hands =)