...that seeking the Father in prayer and in praise does more for the kingdom than my banging gong
...that the good I do in secret has more weight in the kingdom than the good I do when eyes are watching
...that my prayers answered when never spoken give me more faith than anything ever could
...that love means more than my little mind could ever fathom
...that sometimes love has to be hard, but it is never cruel
...that my relationship with the Father and His Son is more important that me being perfect
...that I want people to have a relationship with Father and His Son and learn from them, not me.
...that I understand more things about justice, fear, and wrath than I do about love, mercy, and grace
...that I need to know more about love, mercy, and grace or my whole life and the way I teach others will be off balance
...that mercy triumphs over judgment
...that if I want mercy, I have to be merciful
...that if I want to be forgiven, I must forgive
...that if I want to enter the kingdom then hatred has to leave my heart
...that my weakness should show more than my strength
...that I am nothing without Him and He is my everything
The kingdom is now. It is here. It is within us. It is present. Do I see it? Do I know it? Do I feel it? Am I following the Father and seeking His kingdom every moment of every day? What would that look like? How honest would I have to be in order to have that as my reality? This life is not my own. It is not about ego, it is not about my life, it is not about my kids or my husband or my friends or homeschool or food or drink or anything...it's about eternity and Yehovah's Kingdom. Am I helping to build IT or my own...
These are the questions I am asking myself. These are the things I want to ask myself every day before I arise...who's kingdom is it going to be today? Who's will is to be done? Father...it's is yours.