If you have any amount of love for the truth, PLEASE watch this video.
Truth or Tradition- Should Christians Celebrate Christmas and Easter?
Core Shopping List
Quite a few years ago my husband quit his casino job for ethical and personal reasons, and we had to really be creative about the money that was coming in. He took a part time job at a local fishery, smoking fish, and the money was NOT even close to what it was at the casino. (BUT we did get all the smoked salmon, trout and chubs we could eat!) We had to cut corners everywhere for him to be able to quit the casino job, and after years of being a spender, I had to learn to make do with what I had. I stopped buying pre-made food, and made everything from scratch. Eventually I got our food budget down to $250 a month. I am happy to tell you that I stuck with that and we are still only budgeting $250 a month for food. People think I am crazy when I tell them how much we spend. I know families that spend close to $800 a month to feed their family of 5-6. I can't IMAGINE having that much money to spend on food. I can tell you where it would go...into food storage!
I do buy bulk items from Azure Standard, such as spices, grains, and big huge bags of oranges or other fruit that's on sale. I also am trying to get to Costco every other month or so to the majority of my shopping. The less time I spend in Walmart, Safeway or Albertons, the more money I save. There are certain things I know are cheaper at Walmart, so I do buy them there, but for the most part, I am trying to stay away from that place :-)
I look for sales on meat and only buy meat that is as natural as can be. Our local Warehouse Market has great all natural chicken that goes on sale every now and again. This past month I picked up 5 whole roasters for $20. Last month I picked up 4 or 5 packages of drumsticks and thighs for about $18. I also buy our ground beef from the local meat market. It's all grass fed and is delicious. If I can't find a good sale on natural chicken, we stick with the ground beef or go without. I refuse to buy factory farmed meat.
With all that said, here is the list with costs and location:
4 whole chickens ~ $24 ~ Warehouse Market
2 packages of chicken (breasts/drums/thighs) ~ $20 ~ Warehouse Market
4 lbs ground beef ~ $16 ~ Sackett's meat market
8 lbs cheese ~ $24 ~ Albertson's/Costco
6 gallons milk ~ $18 ~ Safeway
4 lbs butter ~ $10 ~ Costco
10 lbs organic sugar ~ $8 ~ Costco
15 lbs potatoes ~ $6 ~ Costco
5 lbs onions ~ $5 ~ Costco
Peanut butter ~ $5 ~ wherever
Frozen fruit to make jam and smoothies ~ $7 ~ Walmart
Frozen veggies (any combination) ~ $15 ~ Costco/Walmart
5 lbs whole wheat flour (wheat montana) ~ $5 ~ Walmart
5 lbs all purpose flour (wheat montana) ~ $5 ~ Walmart
Sour cream (the big tub of Daisy) ~ $5 ~ Walmart
4 dozen eggs (until my hens start laying) ~ $12 ~ Safeway
5 lbs raw honey ~ $15 ~ health food store
20 lbs pinto beans ~ $15 ~ Walmart
5 lbs raisins or craisins ~ $10 ~ Costco
Organic beef and chicken "better than bouillon" ~ $12 ~ Costco
Total Cost ~ $237
I haven't been buying the bags of flour because I have so many wheat berries in my pantry now, but I do like to have flour on hand for making gravies and sauces or just to whip up a quick pan of rolls or a cake. I like easy :-)
With this list I can make everything I want for dinners throughout the month...chicken pot pie, sloppy joes, soups of all sorts, scalloped potatoes and onions, chicken and dumplings, etc. I have a huge assortment of pastas in the house from my last few Costco trips, but normally, if we wanted pasta I would make my own. Since moving to Wyoming, I had to leave a ton of stuff behind...my pasta maker was one of those things, so I don't really care for rolling out pasta by hand, although it's not so bad for making big ol' noodles that will just go in a soup. We also don't buy bread (usually). We make our own English muffins, rolls, pizza dough, sandwich bread, flat breads, tortillas, etc.
We also make our own breakfast foods, like oatmeal, granola, cornmeal mush, etc.
Lunches consist of leftovers, eggs and toast, peanut butter and jelly on tortillas, steamed veggies, etc. Basically whatever is on hand and quick.
I also save all of my chicken bones (yes from every meal) and carcasses and put them in the freezer after all our meals throughout the month. At the end of the month I will make a big pot of stock, usually about 4-6 quarts, and that goes right in the freezer for the next months meals. (I could really do without the "better than bouillon" that is on my list, but I love having it on hand.)
The one thing that is not on my list is COFFEE and tea. I love coffee, am probably addicted, and will not go without it. It's not in my grocery budget because it is just for me, so it comes out of the money that is not allocated to bills, gasoline, or food. We drink water from our Berkey and sun tea throughout the month, and if you don't like those two things, well...tough patooties, drink it anyway :-) We have special drinks on sabbath, like Hansen's soda, but that does not come out of the grocery budget, it comes out of the "extra".
So, there it is...I hope this helps you in some areas, and if YOU have a tight budget for food, let me know how you do it. I am always looking for ways to save money.
(We also purchase 5 gallon buckets of expeller pressed coconut oil from Tropical Traditions and use this as our main cooking oil, for frying, baking,etc., and also for making deodorant and toothpaste)
(We also purchase 5 gallon buckets of expeller pressed coconut oil from Tropical Traditions and use this as our main cooking oil, for frying, baking,etc., and also for making deodorant and toothpaste)
The Confessions of a Wife
The following was given to me by a friend a few years ago when I was struggling with KNOWING who I was according to the word of YHVH. She told me to read it to myself every morning, believe it, and act accordingly...well, I haven't read it every morning, and if I were writing the true confessions of this wife, mother and keeper of the home, I would have to tell you that I fail in many, many areas. BUT, this is my blessing and this confession has found it's way back into my daily routine. I will speak this blessing over myself daily and rise to the challenge and calling of biblical womanhood, finding joy in it!
The Confessions of a Wife
{Philippians 1:6} Being Confident that He who began a good work in me will continue until the day of Yeshua Messiah.
I Confess That:
{Proverbs 31:10} I am a capable, intelligent and virtuous woman, worth far more than jewels.
{Proverbs 31:15} I rise early and get spiritual food for my household.
{Matthew 6:33} I seek first the kingdom of Yehovah and all good things are added unto me.
{Proverbs 31:30} I reverently and worshipfully fear Yehovah.
{Proverbs 31:31} I give of the fruit of my hands
{Proverbs 31:13} and my works praise me. I am industrious.
{Proverbs 31:16} With my savings I plant fruitful vines
{Proverbs 31:25} Strength and dignity are my clothing and my position is strong and secure. I rejoice over the future, knowing that my family and I are in readiness for it.
{Proverbs 31:26} I open my mouth with skillful and Godly wisdom, and in my tongue is the law of kindness, giving counsel and instruction.
{Proverbs 31:27} The bread of idleness I do not eat.
{1 Timothy 3:11} I am worthy of respect and serious, not a gossiper, but temperate and self-controlled, and thoroughly trustworthy in all things.
{1 Timothy 6:11} I pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentle-heartedness…
{Nehemiah 8:10} and the joy of Yehovah is my strength.
{Ephesians 5:22-23} I am submissive and adapt myself to my own husband as a service to Yehovah. He is head of me as Messiah is the head of the church.
{Ephesians 5:33} I respect and reverence my husband. I notice, regard, honor, prefer, love…
{Proverbs 31:11} and admire him exceedingly. The heart of my husband trusts in me confidently and he has no lack of gain.
{Proverbs 31:12} I comfort him and encourage and do him only good as long as there is life in me.
{Ephesians 5:2} I walk in love with my husband, esteeming him and delighting in him.
{Proverbs 31:31} My husband praises me above all women.
{Proverbs 31:28} My children rise up and call me blessed.
{Luke 1:38} May it be done according to YOUR WORD.
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