This was our second year of not celebrating Halloween and the kids didn't even miss it this year. They went to a "harvest" party that we even had certain issues with, just because it was on Halloween and sort of a substitute for what the kids couldn't celebrate. It felt like we were compromising our beliefs just so the kids could feel "normal" when in all actuality they already do feel normal. So, next year there will not be a substitute celebration for Halloween. It just doesn't feel right and we can not teach the kids to compromise their beliefs on behalf of feeling "normal" in societies standards. We follow God's standards and it is Him we want to please.
We feel comfortable in our practices, but it is still difficult dealing with family and friends that don't understand our call to be a set-apart people of God. It is God's calling for all of His followers, but not all of His followers heed that calling or even know it's there in God's word.
Having come from an occult background, and having dabbled in witchcraft ourselves, we understand fully the practice of Halloween. This was a druidic celebration, having to do with fear of the dead and evil spirits. It is deeply rooted in paganism, and being bible believers, we are commanded to not commit idolatry. We can have no part in kingdom of God if we are drinking from the devils cup. We can not serve two masters. We are children of the God of Israel, who's name is Yahweh. If we accept this position, then we accept the commandments of our creator and provider. I compare this to a family and a house. The father of this family and the head of this house makes the rules for the people that are a part of this family and this house. We are to abide by them. They are there to protect us and to keep us happy, healthy and safe. We are a part of this family and therefore we choose to accept the head of this households rules for his house. If the children decided to rebel against the father, it would cause strife and heartache to the father and among the family. Our children obey the rules because they know they are a part of our family and because they love their father. They want to please him. It is the same way with God and being a part of His family and the House of Israel. We obey His rules because we accept the calling to be a part of His family and we do this because we love Him.
So, having been called children of God, we have certain rules. We love to obey these rules because it brings us closer to God and the things He loves. This is our path, and we are happy to be on it. But, for this reason, we are no longer able to celebrate worldly holidays that have their roots in paganism. If we were to celebrate them, we would be violating the commandments of God and we would be hypocrites that teach one thing but do another. Compromising Christians. Those are the Christians that have turned so many seekers away because of their luke-warm condition and hypocrisy. We are called to be witnesses to the world, and we can not do that when we compromise the very word of God to suit our own desires and will.
With that said, the following is a brief article taken from a
great site, which once again we do not hold to all of their teachings, but the we do agree with their stance on biblical feasts and holy days.
We hope that this has been enlightening and informative. We are tired of compromising in our life. Sin has taken its toll on us and we are done paying the price for it. The blessings God has for obeying his commandments are amazing and keep us happy, healthy and safe and by obeying them, we are showing our most amazing creator how much we do indeed love Him.
We hope you enjoy this snippet:
"One of the perpetual failings of ancient Israel was their inability to keep their worship pure. The record throughout history has not been any different. Yahweh’s people have always been tempted to compromise their faith by selling out to the dominant culture and its practices.
For those who are satisfied with less than total truth, the concessions come easier.
Today we witness Easter egg hunts on church lawns, Christmas trees in church vestibules, and Halloween parties in church basements (on the pretext of keeping the children off unsafe streets and away from tainted Halloween candy).
"It’s for the children," goes the rationalization. "We really just do it for them."
What our children practice they also learn from. Why would we want to introduce to them pagan falsehoods? How can we instill in them a desire for righteousness if we allow them to revel in ancient customs of evil on Halloween? How can we promote healthy, decent values while allowing them to don hideous masks of vile creatures or deformed humans — with the underlying themes of murder, mayhem, and death?
Can we live a lie? Can we mix the holy with the profane and expect Yahweh to still bless us? "Learn not the way of the heathen!" He thunders in Jeremiah 10:2. Come out from among them and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing, Paul writes in 2Corinthians 6:17.
Paul also admonished, "Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness?" (2Cor.6:14)
Halloween has no redeeming value. It is one big trick on an ignorant or indifferent society, and another victory for the forces of darkness.
Almighty Yahweh gives us a final warning in the law about demonism and witchcraft: "For all that do these things are an abomination unto Yahweh: and because of these abominations Yahweh your Elohim does drive them out from before you. You shall be perfect with Yahweh your Elohim" (Deut. 18:12-13).
Become perfect before Yahweh. Drop the empty, senseless, heathen observances of man and resolve to begin keeping the true holy days He has commanded in His Word. Discover what true blessings and deep fulfillment are when you begin to comply with His will and not the will of society."
Original article by Alan R. Mansager