
Why we eat biblically clean animals

We have always been concerned with what we put in our bodies (having both been raised on processed foods we feel, and see, the effects of it to this day) but for the past year we have been lead down a path to greater understanding about what God intended for us to put into our bodies. It started with a good look at the Food Laws in the Scriptures. For the first time we looked at the list of clean and unclean animals and saw what God intended for food and what He did not intend for food. Swine, shellfish, certain other fish, birds of prey and all sorts of scavenger birds, rodents, insects (except for locusts and grasshoppers), and many other specific animals like cats and dogs; these are all unclean meats. It didn't take too long to understand why God didn't intend for these animals to be food for humans. Almost all of them are the garbage eaters of the earth. Pigs will eat nearly anything including other dead pigs, cancer off of sick pigs, garbage, feces, etc. Pork was an easy animal to give up since we never really ate it anyway. The only time we ate it was when it was served at another persons house and we felt rude for pushing it away. So we ate it. Pork has always made me sick, but understanding HOW it was unclean was an eye opener as to why it may have made me sick to begin with. Pigs are really disgusting creatures. Filthy and disease ridden. Why would we want to put that into our bodies? We don't and God never intended us to. He created us. He knows exactly how our bodies work because He designed them. He knows what is good for us and what is bad for us. So, in faith, we decided to believe that, and we stopped eating biblically unclean animals.

Lobsters, muscles, shrimp and crab- these are the bottom dwelling sea animals. They, like the pig, are also the animals that clean the earth of garbage and toxins. It is interesting to know that fisherman would spot crabs swarming around boat docks soon after the boats would come in for the night. During this period of time, it was common for the fishermen to dump their toilets overboard. This was what was bringing the crabs in. They were feeding off of the feces from humans. Gross. No matter how good crab might taste, there is nothing that would make me want to eat something that eats the feces of any animal. Which is why we don't eat rabbits either, another unclean animal. Rabbits have very poorly developed digestive systems, like pigs and many other unclean animals. It doesn't take long for what they eat to travel through their bodies and out the other end. Their food travels so fast through their digestive system in fact, that many nutrients remain in the food and it is then deposited at the end of the cycle in their fecal matter. Rabbits, dogs, cats, and others then eat their feces to get more nutrients out of it.

With most biblically clean animals that God intended for food, they have very highly developed digestive systems, like the cow. Cows have several stomachs and they continue to regurgitate what they've already eaten in order to receive the most nutrients from the food and to digest it properly. This makes their meat more nutritious. We are what we eat. If we are eating things that eat garbage and toxins, we are eating garbage and toxins. If we eat animals that are eating clean vegetation, like cows, then we can be assured that we are eating clean meat that has nutrients in it.

Now, this brings us to another subject. Factory farming! Food production has become a corporation. In order to produce the most food at the quickest rate and in order to make the animals as fat as possible as soon as possible, factory farms feed their animals, like cows and chickens, corn instead of their natural diet. Cows are not meant to eat corn. It makes them sick, makes them fat and not to mention the majority of the corn in the US is genetically modified, so it's not even real food that they are consuming. So, how can we be eating real food if we eat these factory farmed animals? So, as well as abstaining from biblically unclean animals, we also abstain from factory farmed animals. This year we are purchasing half of a grass fed cow which will be our main source of meat for the year. We will also be purchasing a few lambs for the year, and a few pastured chickens each month. It's nearly impossible to find grass fed meat in the supermarket and if you do find it, it is so expensive! But, when we shop locally, from local farmers, the prices are very reasonable.

So, not only are we eating the foods that God designed for our bodies, but we are getting them locally, they are non-GMO, for the most part organic and to top it off, these animals are happily living on family farms, where they are able to live as God intended them to live. We are called to be good stewards of our bodies and all that God has given us, this includes our animals. We no longer wish to contribute to the mass production and slaughter of animals in this country just to feed our fat bellies. We want to honor God above all things, and that means honoring our bodies, our earth and the animals on our earth.

A good site for an explanation of biblical eating is here.

I encourage you all to check it out and see what the bible actually has to say about it.

Interesting stuff!


Pita Bread Recipe

I just found out I have gallstones and after having three gallbladder attacks within the last week I have had to change the way I eat. It's not too much of a change. We ate whole grains, raw honey, homemade yogurt and kefir, fruits, veggies, chicken and turkey. I made all our food from scratch, no boxed, processed junk. But, I had a tendency to make really fatty foods using cream sauces, cheeses, and making the most delicious gravies. I over indulged myself and my family for too long. I also loved making Indian, Mexican, and Asian dishes. Now, my diet has become bland and boring and without much substance for the most part. I have been eating lots of apples, steel-cut oats, plain old baked potatoes, veggies and drinking lots of apple and pineapple juice to try to clean my liver and gallbladder out. I can't have much fat at all and no sugar. This is all good for my waist line, but my stomach is crying out for FOOD!! So, yesterday, whilst craving bread I came across a recipe for whole wheat pitas using no oil or sugar. I modified it slightly and came out with some pretty good pitas. It was my first attempt at making them, so maybe a little more practice is due, but they satisfied my bread craving. I served one stuffed with some Israeli hummus and the other half with some left over butternut squash soup that had thickened up quite nicely. I chopped up some raw cabbage and added that to the soup for some texture...It wasn't curried chicken but it was pretty good. I am planning on making more pitas today for the weekend.


2 cups of whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 T. dry yeast\
1 1/4 c. warm water
1 tsp. raw cane sugar

5 min @ 500 degress
Makes 10 pitas

1.Mix warm water, sugar, and yeast in bowl and proof.
2.Mix salt and flour together.
3.Mix yeast water and flour mixture together. You made need a tad more flour if your dough is too sticky.
4.Knead dough for 4-5 minutes on lightly floured surface, until it is smooth and elastic.
5.Form dough into ten balls and lightly roll out on floured surface (about 1/4 inch thick) Do not roll out too thin or they will not form a pocket when you cook them.
6. Let rise for 30 minutes on a nonstick pan
7. Just before you put them in the oven, flip each pita over on its other side. This makes them puff up.
8. Bake on the bottom rack of the oven for 5 minutes.

Store warm pitas in plastic bag or resealable container.
Fill with num nums and enjoy

I made two batches yesterday and the first one was rolled too thin and they did not puff or form a pocket. No worries though. For dinner I used these for mini pizza crusts and the family was super pleased.




This was our second year of not celebrating Halloween and the kids didn't even miss it this year. They went to a "harvest" party that we even had certain issues with, just because it was on Halloween and sort of a substitute for what the kids couldn't celebrate. It felt like we were compromising our beliefs just so the kids could feel "normal" when in all actuality they already do feel normal. So, next year there will not be a substitute celebration for Halloween. It just doesn't feel right and we can not teach the kids to compromise their beliefs on behalf of feeling "normal" in societies standards. We follow God's standards and it is Him we want to please.

We feel comfortable in our practices, but it is still difficult dealing with family and friends that don't understand our call to be a set-apart people of God. It is God's calling for all of His followers, but not all of His followers heed that calling or even know it's there in God's word.

Having come from an occult background, and having dabbled in witchcraft ourselves, we understand fully the practice of Halloween. This was a druidic celebration, having to do with fear of the dead and evil spirits. It is deeply rooted in paganism, and being bible believers, we are commanded to not commit idolatry. We can have no part in kingdom of God if we are drinking from the devils cup. We can not serve two masters. We are children of the God of Israel, who's name is Yahweh. If we accept this position, then we accept the commandments of our creator and provider. I compare this to a family and a house. The father of this family and the head of this house makes the rules for the people that are a part of this family and this house. We are to abide by them. They are there to protect us and to keep us happy, healthy and safe. We are a part of this family and therefore we choose to accept the head of this households rules for his house. If the children decided to rebel against the father, it would cause strife and heartache to the father and among the family. Our children obey the rules because they know they are a part of our family and because they love their father. They want to please him. It is the same way with God and being a part of His family and the House of Israel. We obey His rules because we accept the calling to be a part of His family and we do this because we love Him.

So, having been called children of God, we have certain rules. We love to obey these rules because it brings us closer to God and the things He loves. This is our path, and we are happy to be on it. But, for this reason, we are no longer able to celebrate worldly holidays that have their roots in paganism. If we were to celebrate them, we would be violating the commandments of God and we would be hypocrites that teach one thing but do another. Compromising Christians. Those are the Christians that have turned so many seekers away because of their luke-warm condition and hypocrisy. We are called to be witnesses to the world, and we can not do that when we compromise the very word of God to suit our own desires and will.

With that said, the following is a brief article taken from a great site, which once again we do not hold to all of their teachings, but the we do agree with their stance on biblical feasts and holy days.

We hope that this has been enlightening and informative. We are tired of compromising in our life. Sin has taken its toll on us and we are done paying the price for it. The blessings God has for obeying his commandments are amazing and keep us happy, healthy and safe and by obeying them, we are showing our most amazing creator how much we do indeed love Him.

We hope you enjoy this snippet:

"One of the perpetual failings of ancient Israel was their inability to keep their worship pure. The record throughout history has not been any different. Yahweh’s people have always been tempted to compromise their faith by selling out to the dominant culture and its practices.

For those who are satisfied with less than total truth, the concessions come easier.

Today we witness Easter egg hunts on church lawns, Christmas trees in church vestibules, and Halloween parties in church basements (on the pretext of keeping the children off unsafe streets and away from tainted Halloween candy).

"It’s for the children," goes the rationalization. "We really just do it for them."

What our children practice they also learn from. Why would we want to introduce to them pagan falsehoods? How can we instill in them a desire for righteousness if we allow them to revel in ancient customs of evil on Halloween? How can we promote healthy, decent values while allowing them to don hideous masks of vile creatures or deformed humans — with the underlying themes of murder, mayhem, and death?

Can we live a lie? Can we mix the holy with the profane and expect Yahweh to still bless us? "Learn not the way of the heathen!" He thunders in Jeremiah 10:2. Come out from among them and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing, Paul writes in 2Corinthians 6:17.

Paul also admonished, "Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness?" (2Cor.6:14)

Halloween has no redeeming value. It is one big trick on an ignorant or indifferent society, and another victory for the forces of darkness.

Almighty Yahweh gives us a final warning in the law about demonism and witchcraft: "For all that do these things are an abomination unto Yahweh: and because of these abominations Yahweh your Elohim does drive them out from before you. You shall be perfect with Yahweh your Elohim" (Deut. 18:12-13).

Become perfect before Yahweh. Drop the empty, senseless, heathen observances of man and resolve to begin keeping the true holy days He has commanded in His Word. Discover what true blessings and deep fulfillment are when you begin to comply with His will and not the will of society."

Original article by Alan R. Mansager



The following article is a clear view of why we have questioned certain "holidays" in our life, including Christmas, Easter, and Halloween. We have been studying the Hebrew roots to our faith and also reading a lot of the "Old Testament" Scriptures. There were things we learned that we never were taught in all of our years of being indoctrinated in the "christian" faith. Looking at Christianity as unbelievers, we saw so much hypocrisy and worldliness in the people and the church. Upon coming back to the faith we knew there was something deeper, something missing, something innately wrong with the Christian church of today, and we did not want to be a part of the same church that once made us so turned off as to fall away completely from the faith. While we hold to the essential doctrine that Jesus is God in the flesh, our salvation, the way the truth and the life, repentance and walking in holiness (the narrow way), and that the God of Israel is the one and only true God of the universe, Holy and just in every way, we have found that Christianity in and of itself has left out some major truths, hidden and disguised things to suit it's doctrine, and all in all has some major flaws in the application of what it teaches. Why do the majority of Christians still act as if they were just like the rest of the world when God has called them to be a set-apart people? Why do we celebrate pagan holidays as Christians? What are the roots of the Christian faith? Why don't we celebrate the Holy Days of God? So many questions came up in our quest for the truth. In questioning everything we found out a lot about why we believe and do the things we do as Christians and ultimately why we should not be doing certain things. It is impossible to explain everything we have learned over the past few years in one blog post. We will try to explain what we believe and why in the next several postings. I hope that it is enlightening to all readers and will at least raise questions and that you will be prompted to seek out the truth for yourself. Don't take our word for it, we are not perfect and we make mistakes. The Christian church has made great mistakes in the last 2000 years and we believe that it is time for us to wake up and to ask those hard questions and to seriously examine what it is we believe and why and then find out what God has to say about it. It's all there, in the Bible. His word is truth and if you desire to know the truth, all you need to do is ask. He is willing to give wisdom and truth to anyone who asks for it. Ask and you shall receive.

So, the following article is not our own. It is taken from this site
While we do NOT hold to all that they teach, we glean from them the truth that they do have. No one has the entire truth, but we have found much wisdom in this article about holding to certain traditions. I hope it helps to lay a foundation of understanding as to why we do not hold to worldly traditions. In following postings we will go in to further detail about why we do not celebrate Christmas, Easter or Halloween and why we DO observe the 7 Holy Feasts of God that are found in the old testament of Hebrew scriptures.

Developing A Biblical View of Tradition

Tradition in and of itself is not wrong, as long as it does not violate or compromise the scriptures. Yeshua never spoke against tradition, only when they transgressed the commandments of God because of their traditions.

All people hold to some form of tradition in their lives, whether it is spiritual or cultural. Every society has a unique culture that expresses certain customs, values and traditions. They can provide a sense of identity by providing security and structure in their lives. Can you imagine what it would be like to have constant change in your life? We are all habitual in nature. Man by nature does not like a lot of change. Traditions can become either a blessing that draws us closer to God or a bondage that leads us away from God. Let me share with you five guidelines that will help you to discern whether certain religious traditions are biblical and can be embraced, or worldly and should be avoided.

1. Are the Roots of That Tradition Holy or Unholy?
The Olive tree is a symbol in the Bible of Israel. In Messiah, Gentiles are grafted into the Olive tree. The Jews are called the "natural branches and the non-Jews, the "wild branches".

1. Romans 11:16-18 says, "if the roots are holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches were broken off, and you
(gentiles), being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among the, (Jews) and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the Olive tree do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you."
A Messianic leader was once quoted as saying that "much of the 'Church' is like a Christmas tree - all glitz and ornaments, frills and lights - but cut off from it's roots. It should be like the Olive tree - deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, the root being Messiah himself." There is much truth to this statement. When we develop traditions to express our faith, are they rooted in the holy root of God's word?

Ultimately, the bottom line is what the scriptures say:
2. 2 Corinthians 6:17 - "We are a holy people, set apart by God. God has called us to come out from among them and be separate. Do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you."
3. Deut. 12:1-4 - "These are the statutes and judgments which you shall be careful to observe in the land which the Lord God of your fathers is giving you to possess all the days that you live on the earth. You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations, which you shall dispossess, serve their gods, on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree. And you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars and burn their wooden images with fire; you shall cut down the carved images of their gods and destroy their names from that place. You shall not worship the Lord your God with such things.
4. Jeremiah 10:1-7 - "Do not learn the ways of the Gentiles (the nations)…for the customs of the peoples are futile (worthless) … "For one cuts a tree from the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe, they decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with nails and hammers so that it will not topple." (Sounds like a Christmas tree doesn't it?) Though this is not what is referred to here, the truth and principle is consistent with the word of God. Anything fashioned that is idolatrous in form, is contrary to God's word and violates the second commandment.
"You shall not make for yourself any carved image or any like ness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath…
As a Messianic congregation, our purpose is to ensure that the foundations and roots of our faith are holy.

2. Does the Tradition Point to the Messiah?
He should be the center and focus of our tradition. All the Feasts of Israel that are observed in a Messianic Congregation throughout the year are observed within the context of recognizing that Yeshua is the Messiah and the central figure that we worship. Most of the traditions that are associated with Christmas certainly do not point to the Messiah. In fact they distract and draw one away from Him.

3. Does the Tradition or Custom Glorify and Honor God?
This is our greatest calling and purpose as God's people. To honor and glorify God in our lives. "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
In Matthew 23:1-6, Yeshua was not opposed to tradition, only the hypocrisy in men's hearts who observed them as an outward show, to be seen by men. There are many traditions and customs within the Jewish faith that are beautiful that can glorify and honor God.
The Friday night Sabbath meal that Jewish families come together and celebrate each week includes such traditions as (the Sabbath candles, Kiddush cup and Challah, praying a blessing over the family and children). We meet on the Sabbath to read from the Torah to honor and celebrate God's word, wearing prayer shawls the kippot (skullcaps).

In each of these practices, God is the focus and center of our tradition. As a Messianic Congregation, we seek to honor and glorify god through these visible expressions and traditions because we seek to keep the Messiah at the heart and center of our faith. There is a freedom of worship through the Holy Spirit that one can experience without allowing these traditions to lead us into bondage or legalism.

4. Does it Draw us Closer to God?
Do we experience God's presence as we celebrate this tradition, or do we find that it distracts us from drawing into God's presence? In Matthew 15:1-9, we read how Yeshua challenged the scribes and Pharisees view of tradition.

"Why do you transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?" vs. 3 "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Vs. 8

5. Are these traditions characteristic of the world or of God?
The apostle Paul said in Colossians 2:6-9 "As you have therefore received Messiah Yeshua the Lord, so walk in Him. ROOTED and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught. Beware lest anyone deceive you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the TRADITION of MEN, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Messiah. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form…for you are complete in Him."




The bible is not just a bunch of stories, written by men. It is the inspired word of God. The truth. It shows us how to live, what sort of character is pleasing to God, how to raise our children, how to have a happy and healthy marriage, how we should treat people, what God requires of us, and WHO we should live for. All throughout the bible, it paints a picture of Jesus (Yeshua). It still amazes me that the book of Isaiah, which was written hundreds of years before Yeshua was even born, contains in it the prophesy of the coming Messiah.

Watch this video about the Great Isaiah Scroll that was found among the rest of the scrolls in the Dead Sea Scroll discovery. It's absolutely amazing.

Isaiah Chapter 53:
1 Who has believed our report?
And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,
And as a root out of dry ground.
He has no form or comeliness;
And when we see Him,
There is no beauty that we should desire Him.
3 He is despised and rejected by men,
A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.
4 Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet He opened not His mouth;
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
And as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment,
And who will declare His generation?
For He was cut off from the land of the living;
For the transgressions of My people He was stricken.
9 And they made His grave with the wicked—
But with the rich at His death,
Because He had done no violence,
Nor was any deceit in His mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him;
He has put Him to grief.
When You make His soul an offering for sin,
He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days,
And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand.
11 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied.
By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many,
For He shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great,
And He shall divide the spoil with the strong,
Because He poured out His soul unto death,
And He was numbered with the transgressors,
And He bore the sin of many,
And made intercession for the transgressors.

Lord, I pray that eyes are open to see. That ears are open to hear. Draw near to your children, Lord. Lift the veil that keeps them from seeing and believing the truth. Your word is truth, Lord.


Bad Poetry. Titled: Seasonal Stink

Snowfall lingers,
On evergreen fingers.
Causing my mind to sink.
Happiness fades
On bitter days.
Leaving my mind on the brink.
Sifting through snow,
I’m moving so slow.
Thinking I’m going to sink.
God help me please,
I’m down on my knees.
Lift me up out of this stink.

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