
The Confessions of a Wife

The following was given to me by a friend a few years ago when I was struggling with KNOWING who I was according to the word of YHVH. She told me to read it to myself every morning, believe it, and act accordingly...well, I haven't read it every morning, and if I were writing the true confessions of this wife, mother and keeper of the home, I would have to tell you that I fail in many, many areas. BUT, this is my blessing and this confession has found it's way back into my daily routine. I will speak this blessing over myself daily and rise to the challenge and calling of biblical womanhood, finding joy in it!

The Confessions of a Wife

{Philippians 1:6} Being Confident that He who began a good work in me will continue until the day of Yeshua Messiah.

I Confess That:
{Proverbs 31:10} I am a capable, intelligent and virtuous woman, worth far more than jewels.

{Proverbs 31:15} I rise early and get spiritual food for my household.

{Matthew 6:33} I seek first the kingdom of Yehovah and all good things are added unto me.

{Proverbs 31:30} I reverently and worshipfully fear Yehovah.

{Proverbs 31:31} I give of the fruit of my hands

{Proverbs 31:13} and my works praise me. I am industrious.

{Proverbs 31:16} With my savings I plant fruitful vines

{Proverbs 31:25} Strength and dignity are my clothing and my position is strong and secure. I rejoice over the future, knowing that my family and I are in readiness for it.

{Proverbs 31:26} I open my mouth with skillful and Godly wisdom, and in my tongue is the law of kindness, giving counsel and instruction.

{Proverbs 31:27} The bread of idleness I do not eat.

{1 Timothy 3:11} I am worthy of respect and serious, not a gossiper, but temperate and self-controlled, and thoroughly trustworthy in all things.

{1 Timothy 6:11} I pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentle-heartedness…

{Nehemiah 8:10} and the joy of Yehovah is my strength.

{Ephesians 5:22-23} I am submissive and adapt myself to my own husband as a service to Yehovah. He is head of me as Messiah is the head of the church.

{Ephesians 5:33} I respect and reverence my husband. I notice, regard, honor, prefer, love…

{Proverbs 31:11} and admire him exceedingly. The heart of my husband trusts in me confidently and he has no lack of gain.

{Proverbs 31:12} I comfort him and encourage and do him only good as long as there is life in me.

{Ephesians 5:2} I walk in love with my husband, esteeming him and delighting in him.

{Proverbs 31:31} My husband praises me above all women.

{Proverbs 31:28} My children rise up and call me blessed.

{Luke 1:38} May it be done according to YOUR WORD. 



  1. Thank you for posting it and for giving me a copy! Praise Yah that His mercies are new every day!

  2. This is wonderful, I will definitely be sharing it with some friends! Thank you!

  3. Andi~ I have a new copy for you if you like, I changed the names of God and rewrote it because I noticed I missed a few things the first time I wrote it. I'll give you a copy next time I see you :-)

    Thanks for reading, Moira...and I LOVE that name. It was on my list of names for my daughter :-)


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