

Our chicks are growing so fast! In the top picture are two of our White Wyandottes the first day we had them. The other three pics were taken yesterday and BOY are they getting BIG. We had to build a new pen in the garage because they outgrew their first one. This is where they will live until they are ready to transition to the coop...which still needs to be built.

We have 15 chicks: 4 White Wyandottes, 4 New Hampshire Reds, 5 Black Australorps, and 2 Buff Brahmah Bantams.

We love having the chickens, but they have been somewhat difficult in the three short weeks we have had them. We have had one Wyandotte and one New Hampshire Red die within days of arriving. Two ladies have gotten pecked and started bleeding, both were Wyandottes. One of the ladies (whom we have named Coral) has a hole in her neck and was healing nicely until she jumped the divider and the others attacked her again. We now have her isolated FAR away from the others and while she is healing nicely (we hope), she is lonely and seems depressed. The other Wyandotte had her little tail feathers pecked, but she healed within days and is now back with the flock. I can't wait until Coral can join the others, but for now she must remain alone.

This chicken adventure has been interesting. They are stinky and dusty and very cautious about us humans. Coral is the only one that seems to really like us, but then again, we are the only company she gets.

I am excited for spring and loving the sunshine and warmer weather. We have been so blessed since moving here and continue to see the Father working in our lives and our childrens lives. Farming has been something we believe the Father has put on our hearts and it is awesome to see how He makes what HE has determined, become a reality.


  1. They do grow fast, don't they? They are still adorable.
    We are having a 50/50 day here. 50 degrees and 50 mph winds. I do love Wyoming but somedays wish for less wind so I can get more done outside. Hard to build a green house in the wind. Hard to put down compost in it too :-)

  2. The garage will be perfect until they can go outside. Handle them as much as you can - hand feeding is a great way to tame them. They're still chickens though, lol. Hope your hurt one is healing up!

  3. Coral is healing nicely, and I think she thinks of me as her momma. She loves it when I come in the room. She starts singing :-) I try to handle the others but they are pretty certain that they don't like me :~)

    Millie- I agree about the wind. We were on the lake in Michigan so I'm used to some wind, but down south it's crazy. I hate driving through Cheyenne.

  4. Chickens are SO fun. Yeah, stinky and dirty, but still just a very enjoyable critter to watch and tend. We never handled ours very much as chicks because my children couldn't seem to understand moderation, but as grown hens most of them will come up to us and let the children hold them. Our Aruncanas are the only stand-offish ones and they also don't like to lay in the coop. Don't think we did anything different in their raising. So, we won't be getting a buch of them again although we do love the green and blue tinted eggs. Our barred Rocks and black Austalorps are the most easy going and affectionate.


  5. How wonderful! Im here in Sheridan too...we looked for a home that would allow chickens and goats and I'm sad to say we couldn't find one:(

    We ended up building on a lot in town...well maybe someday:-)


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