
It Matters

I came across this poem today, and thought I would share it. So many people who say they are believers don’t really get it. It matters how we walk, how we worship, what we eat, what we wear, what we say, and how we say it. It matters because Yehovah God has declared that it matters. The problem is, that if you never read the front of the Book, you’ll never know that specific details are important to Him. When will we wake up and realize that this is not about US? It is about Him and He says that the little things, and the big things, MATTER to Him. Does God change? His word says He does not. So why is it now ok to do things the way we have been “lead” to do them, rather than how the WORD says to do them? Not everything that leads
you is from God.

“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20).

It Matters

Two trees in the midst of the garden
Grew in the very same way.
But it mattered which tree Eve partook of,
And the difference is still felt today.

It mattered which type of an offering
Was brought by Abel and Cain.
The Lord had respect unto Abel's,
But Cain's substitute wasn't the same.

It mattered to Nadab and Abihu
Which fire they offered with sin.
"Isn't fire as good as another?"
They tragically reasoned within.

David well knew God's instructions
How the sacred ark should be moved,
But ignored the crucial specifics
As the death of Uzzah proved.

"Why must I dip in the Jordan?"
Naaman asked in a huff.
Aren't the rivers of Damascus far better?"
No, Naaman, they're not good enough.

"And why must I dip seven times?
Won't dip number one do the trick?"
Had Naaman ignored the specifics,
He'd have returned to his home still sick.

When God gives specific instructions
For a task that we're to do,
He intends for us to perform it
The way He has asked us to.

When He tells us we are to do it
In a certain particular way,
He doesn't intend us to change it
To suit what others might say.

He often expects details
Extremely important to Him,
That people regard far to lightly
And make alterations at whim.



My Hearts Cry

There is a burning in my heart for unity. Not a sort of unity brought about by compromising principles, morals, and values based on the commands of YHVH, but a unity that happens because people are merciful, gentle, slow to anger and are not quick to give or take offense. It’s bigger than that, but I am just trying to wrap my head around it. I can see a picture of a sort of holiness that walks in love and patience and mercy and it is so beautiful. Where brothers and sisters in Messiah, regardless of denomination, affiliation, or level of understanding of scripture can walk together, learn together, love together, worship together, and grow together. My heart so longs for that.

Since coming to the truth of Torah and having it revealed to me by the Holy Spirit, that YHVH’s commands have never been “done away with” and that they are important instructions on living holy lives, I have had a peace that I never had before. I want to please my heavenly father, bring glory to Him, and show Him how much I love Him, and I know that I can do those things by being obedient to His words, and that His words will guide me in this life to a path that is full of life and blessing. It’s a good thing. It’s an amazing thing. I love this walk.

However, on this walk I have been separated from Christian brothers and sisters. I separated myself for sometime because it was easier to follow what I was finding to be truth without opposition constantly barraging me and making me question, over and over, something I knew in my spirit was truth. It was not that I didn’t love my Christian brothers and sisters, I love them very much. But, for a time, it was the right thing to do, leave the church, learn what it truly meant to worship in spirit and in truth, and walk it out.

Now, after walking it out for a few years, I find myself longing for fellowship with other believers, but am finding that believers in this camp like to keep to themselves. There is no fellowship. When there is fellowship it is superficial and has no purpose. Not that fellowship with my Christian brothers and sisters was any different. People, in general, do not like to talk about deep spiritual matters; at least that is what I have found. It happens occasionally, but it’s few and far between.

But, in the Messianic, or Torah observant camp, I have found out the reason why there is little fellowship. It’s because people are afraid. People are afraid because they were fed lies for so long, and are now so afraid of being corrupted again by those lies or at least being “tainted” by those lies. People are afraid that they will have to compromise the truth in order to maintain fellowship with others, because, sadly, everyone has their own form of truth, and if your form doesn’t line up with my form, well, if two are not agreed, they cannot walk together… But agreed on what? My husband and I do not agree on everything, even scriptural matters, does that mean we can no longer walk together? My closest friends and I do not agree on everything, does that mean that we can no longer walk together? I don’t think that’s true.

There are so many reasons why people don’t have strong fellowship, but the most blatantly obvious reason I have seen is that people, including myself, are quick to offend, quick to take offense, and are lacking in the basic fruits of the spirit, gentleness, kindness, patience, goodness, and love, and judge others with unbalanced measure. The very things we were once guilty of in our own lives are now the biggest most awful sins in other peoples’ lives.

Since when did we start judging sin differently for different people? Since when did we think it was our job to define varying degrees of sin and shun those who exhibit the sins that, on our list, are greater and more sinister that our own sins?

I am NOT saying that we should not be discerning and always testing spirits, but that is part of the point I am trying to make. Test the spirit…why are we so quick to judge others that are still in Sunday church, still eating pork and other unclean foods, who don’t wear blue fringes on their garments, don’t say grace after supper but before it, don’t understand that the feasts are a blessed thing for them to keep, and generally don’t walk in what we see as Torah?

We then walk in a spirit of arrogance, pride, and self-righteousness, forsaking mercy and love, and the fruits of the spirit, and still think that somehow because we have had our blinders taken off by YHVH HIMSELF and we no longer eat swine’s flesh and we wear blue fringes on the edges of our clothes and we know Hebrew dances and words, and we keep the feasts of YHVH, and we know torah inside and out, that somehow because we are obedient in those areas, but not in the weightier matters such as mercy, that somehow the sins we DO commit are less than the ones our Christian brothers and sisters commit? Who are we? What in the world are we thinking?

Do we not know by now that mercy trumps judgment? YHVH made a way for us where He didn’t have to. Even after our blatant sin and disobedience to His commands HE made a way for us to enter into divine communion with Him. Did He have to? No. He could have done away with the whole idea of humans in the first place. Didn’t He want to time and time again? But, His anger and judgment was held at bay and His mercy was given in place of that deserving judgment.

Brothers and sisters, we are all in Messiah. We are all walking a pathway that we have been put on. Is YHVH sovereign or is He not? Does He not have His hand on the lives of His people? Are we not to trust in Him in our own lives and trust that He is working in the lives of others? Did He not open our eyes when we were blind? Did He not extend mercy to us even though we were walking along a partially lit pathway? He loved us. He spoke kindness to us. It was His kindness that led us to repentance. Were we NOT blind? Were we NOT lost? Did we find the path ourselves or was it by the Spirit that we were lead out of darkness and into the light? Are we not still being lead out of that darkness or have we attained perfection so soon?

Be merciful. Do not believe that because you have had your blinders removed that the sins we now commit are somehow less than the prior ones. Do not believe that those walking with their blinders on are all willfully disobedient. Most are ignorant, and yet the Father loves them, has mercy on them, and is leading them down the path HE has willed for them, for HIS glory and HIS purposes. Let us be merciful, gentle and patient with them while YHVH does what He does. Let us show them how perfect this walk can truly be. We will never be able to show them the perfection of His law when we do not allow it to penetrate our hearts and souls and our spirits and change us from stiff-necked, uncircumcised, stone-hearted people into a people that love so much that it shines light in dark places by the very presence of YHVH in us.

Unity is needed, and we are not to compromise and disobey the commands we have been directly given, but we have been given much more than “you shall wear fringes”, we have been given the command to walk in mercy, grace, love, gentleness, patience, goodness, kindness, joy, peace, and self-control.

Walk your walk. Be grieved by the sins of others and be grieved by your own. Take your grief to YHVH in prayer, and love as He loved, walk as our Messiah Yahshua walked. Be angry about sin, fight it, but know that you fight powers and principalities and not people. Be a warrior against sin, but know who and what and how you are to fight.

This is my prayer for me, too. I so easily forget. Father, help me to remember to be merciful, to be slow to anger, and to not be easily offended. Help me to speak the truth in love, teaching, rebuking, and edifying the body of Messiah for your glory and your purposes. Let me be a light in a dark world.



The Danger Of Turning A Good Thing Into A Moral Thing

I read the article above this morning and thought it spoke directly to feelings I have been having lately. So often in this pursuit of holiness we can find ourselves searching after outward appearances of what we think holiness should look like, after all, have we ever really seen what real holiness looks like outside of the image we have in our minds of Messiah? I haven't. I have never seen truly holy parents, truly holy women, wives, men, husbands, children, pastors, teachers, etc. Or have I seen truly holy people but they didn't fit my idea of what holiness was supposed to look like, and therefore I judged them?

I think there is a fine line of distinction there that needs to be drawn. I am sure I have met truly holy people but in my own faulty perception of holiness, I judged them based on that perception and not that of a scriptural basis for what "holiness" is (And by judge I mean "make assumptions" not "condemn"). I think often in this pursuit we form opinions and ideas about what it means to be holy. We think that holiness is abstaining from entertainment, alcohol, sports, secular music, etc., and it is also a particular way of dressing, wearing our hair, wearing head-coverings, having make-up-less faces, unadorned with jewelry, or even how many biblical studies one completes in a week and what particular words one uses in referring to the Creator and His Son. None of those things are a sin. There are however, boundaries with each of those examples that a person who is pursuing holiness needs to live within.

As believers, we are to dress in a modest manner, but does that mean skirts all the time? Whose rule is that? Yours or the Father's?

Likewise, as women we are to be aware of how our body might tempt men into sexually immoral thoughts, but does that mean we are required to wear head-coverings or to not wear a lick of make-up? Whose rules are those? Yours or the Father's?

When it comes to television, movies, music, and the like, are we to abstain completely from these things? Should we only listen to "Christian" music or watch only movies about the Amish, or movies put out by Christian producers? Is all television bad and therefore immoral? Whose rules are those? Yours or the Father's?

If I read my bible twice a day and have devotional time with my husband every evening before bed and my children are in their bibles multiple times a day, does this mean we are doing it right? Have we attained that mark of holiness? Whose rules are these? Yours or the Father's?

I hope you get my point. While there are indeed boundaries we use when deciding things like this, we use our own discretion based on principle but that does not mean they are necessarily commandments. In our family, we allow movies with realistic war-like violence, because it's real. It happens in the world. We have a history and we do not shelter them from that. We have seen movies where Jews by the thousands have been beaten, starved, and then gassed and subsequently burned. For us, this is not something we need to abstain from. For some, it is. I do not judge those that abstain from all forms of violence, be it real or fictional. I expect that you would not concern yourself with the discretion we have chosen to use in our family, and that you would not condemn us for that discretion, even if it doesn't match yours.

When we start placing rules on other people and ourselves that are not commandments from YHVH, we start putting ourselves back under a man-made legality and we then start to become self-righteous. There is nothing worse than a self-righteous spirit. It condemns others, places heavy burdens on the person and those around them, and ultimately does nothing but build up pride and the spirit of division. And believe me, even when a word is not spoken, that condemning, self-righteous, legalistic spirit can be felt and it sucks the joy from a person. I am walking in liberty because of Messiah, don't place burdens on me that were not placed there by YHVH Himself. There is freedom here. I am bound by the Laws of my Father, and they are freedom. Freedom to learn, freedom to grow, and freedom to walk this walk that no one else but me will be held accountable for. If I want to pop in a little Bob Marley, who speaks of love, mercy, kindness, and joy, what is the problem? There is none.

There is a line to be drawn between the sacred and the profane, but for me to give you that line that we use for our family and to say that anything to the right or left of that line is then immoral, is wrong and does, just as the article above says, place guilt on a person and creates shame. Are we walking with the Father or are we not? If we are, and we know our friends are as well, then each should be subject to the authority above them and the Spirit within them that convicts them of sin. Placing our ideals on others, even if it is only done in thought, creates division and sets standards for people that the Father never placed on them, and if He intends to place those standards on me, I assure you He will.

Walk your walk. Mind your own business. Do not judge others according to your own convictions regarding what is right or wrong for you based on your own judgments and your own walk with the Father. Don't even think the thoughts in regard to those judgments and how others might be walking. It will lead you into a dark pit of seclusion and self-righteousness.

I will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life. I will follow the commandments of YHVH. I will walk in love, minding my own business, and attending to my own family. Father forgive me if thoughts arise in me, and a spirit of self-righteous condemnation takes hold. Help me to recognize it, battle it, and overcome it. I do not wish to walk in the same sins over and over again in a continual battle. I want to overcome. I want to have joy. Help me to see the eternal and not the temporal.

Walk in a pursuit of holiness, people. But, know that each of us has our own walk. Trust YHVH, that He is the one that is control of man's life, and not us. Thank you, Father!

Now go and walk in joy!

My daughter...she's the epitome of this post. She loves her dork glasses, loves her braided hair, T-shirts and converse sneakers, and she has the biggest servants heart of any child I have ever known. She is always there to help when help is needed. She never complains about the work she has to do. She loves people, even if they are not walking in a right manner. She walks, at a distance, with her worldly "friends" and shows them who God is, sends them encouraging words when all around them is hate, fear, and emptiness. She is a light that shines in the darkness. You could judge her by her appearance, but you'd never get to see her heart.

*disclaimer~ I am not talking about disobeying the direct commands of the Father and that we are to ignore that in our friends and family, but even then, trust that if they are in a pursuit of truth and holiness, that the Father will deal with them accordingly. Love them on their journey. Now, one who is in rebellion...that is a different story.

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